picture zou set line color p plot lines:0,0;0.5,0;0.5,0.4;1.2,0.4;1.2,0;1.7,0;1.7,1; !Û‚Ì‘Ì plot lines:1.8,1;1.8,0.2;2,0.2;2,1.8;1.8,2;0,2; plot lines:-0.2,1;0,1.6;0,0 plot lines:1.3,1.6;1.1,1.6;0.9,1.2;1,1;1.2,1.12 !Û‚ÌŽ¨ plot lines:1.7,1.4;1.64,1.28;1.58,1.32; !Û‚Ì–Ú end picture set window -10,10,-10,10 option angle degrees draw grid let p=2 draw zou input prompt "a,b=":a,b LET r1=sqr(a^2+b^2) LET c1=angle(a,b) if c1<0 then LET c1=360+c1 end if for r=1 to r1 step 0.02 let p=0 draw zou with scale(r-0.02) let p=3 draw zou with scale(r) next r for c=0 to c1 step 0.2 let p=0 draw zou with scale(r)*rotate (c-0.2) let p=7 draw zou with scale(r)*rotate(c) next c DRAW GRID let p=3 draw zou with scale(r) LET P=4 DRAW ZOU WITH scale(r)*ROTATE(C) let p=2 draw zou END
picture zou set area color p plot area:0,0;0.5,0;0.5,0.4;1.2,0.4;1.2,0;1.7,0;1.7,1;1.8,1;1.8,0.2;2,0.2;2,1.8;1.8,2;0,2;-0.2,1;0,1.6;0,0 plot lines:1.3,1.6;1.1,1.6;0.9,1.2;1,1;1.2,1.12 !Û‚ÌŽ¨ plot lines:1.7,1.4;1.64,1.28;1.58,1.32; !Û‚Ì–Ú end picture set window -10,10,-10,10 option angle degrees draw grid let p=2 draw zou input prompt "a,b=":a,b LET r1=sqr(a^2+b^2) LET c1=angle(a,b) if c1<0 then LET c1=360+c1 end if for r=1 to r1 step 0.1 let p=0 draw zou with scale(r-0.1) let p=3 draw zou with scale(r) next r for c=0 to c1 step 5 let p=0 draw zou with scale(r)*rotate (c-5) let p=7 draw zou with scale(r)*rotate(c) next c DRAW GRID let p=3 draw zou with scale(r) LET P=4 DRAW ZOU WITH scale(r)*ROTATE(C) let p=2 draw zou END
SET WINDOW -1,1,-1,1 draw axes OPTION ANGLE DEGREES INPUT PROMPT "a,b=":a,b ! a=0.8,b=0.5 a=0.9,b=0.44 a=0.9,b=0.435 let c=angle(a,b) ! a=0.9,b=0.43 a=0.8,b=0.55,a=0.98,0.1,a=0.1,b=0.98 let r=sqr(a^2+b^2) FOR n=1 TO 1000 set area color n+1 let n1=n-1 PLOT AREA:0,0; r^n*COS(n*C),r^n*SIN(n*C); r^n1*COS(n1*C),r^n1*SIN(n1*C) next n END
PICTURE House SET AREA COLOR 3 PLOT AREA: 0,1; 0,0; 2,0; 2,1; 0,1 ! •Ç SET AREA COLOR 2 PLOT AREA: -0.6,1; 2.6,1; 2,2; 0,2; -0.6,1 ! ‰®ª SET AREA COLOR 10 PLOT AREA: 0.1,0; 0.1,0.8; 0.5,0.8; 0.5,0; 0.1,0 ! ƒhƒA SET AREA COLOR 7 PLOT AREA: 1.4,0.4; 1.9,0.4; 1.9,0.8; 1.4,0.8; 1.4,0.4; 1.4,0.4 ! ‘‹ SET AREA COLOR 12 PLOT AREA: 1.7,2; 1.7,2.3; 1.5,2.3; 1.5,2; 1.7,2 ! ‰Œ“Ë END PICTURE ! •¡‘f”ƒ¿=a+bi‚ð—p‚¢‚Ä,•ÏŠ· z¨ƒ¿z ‚ðŽÀs‚·‚éB SET WINDOW -10,10,-10,10 DRAW GRID with scale(2,2) DRAW House INPUT PROMPT "a,b=":a,b LET theta=angle(a,b) LET r=SQR(A^2+B^2) DECLARE EXTERNAL PICTURE axes FOR P=0 TO 1 STEP 0.05 DRAW House WITH ROTATE(theta*P) NEXT P FOR Q=1 TO r STEP 0.05 DRAW House WITH SCALE(Q)*ROTATE(theta) NEXT Q END
! ŠG’è‹`‚É‚æ‚é•ú•¨ü‚Ì•½sˆÚ“® picture para !•ú•¨ü‚ÌŠG’è‹` set point color c set point style 4 for x=-10 to 10 step 0.05 plot points: x,x^2 next x end picture set window -10,10,-10,10 !À•WŽ²‚ÌÝ’è draw grid let c=1 !Šî–{Œ^‚Ì‘f•` draw para input prompt "p=":p1 !‚˜Ž²ˆÚ“®Ý’è for p=0 to p1 step abs(p1)/p1*0.2 let c=7 draw para with shift(p,0) next p input prompt "q=":q1 !‚™Ž²ˆÚ“®Ý’è for q=0 to q1 step abs(q1)/q1*0.2 let c=2 draw para with shift(p,q) next q end